New gymnastics cards
This set of 63 A4 visually stimulating and easy to use curriculum gymnastics cards are an invaluable resource. They progress primary school children through the essential body management skills of curriculum gymnastics in a progressive and developmental structure through the medium of balance and core strength. They will also enable smoother transition into the secondary school curriculum through experiencing small group work.
Gym 5-12 years sample cards
View Curriculum Gymnastics 5-12 Years sample cards
How can the cards be used?

They have been designed as photocopiable cards to be displayed electronically in the hall and are presented in a ring bound folder and on a USB flash drive in pdf format. This enables the teacher to model good practice with the class and is perfect for visual learners and pupils with EAL as well as extending gifted and talented pupils. These brightly coloured cards will allow for a modern teaching approach in curriculum gymnastics.
User friendly
They will save valuable planning and preparation time as all the teachers’ tasks, teaching points, challenges and safety points are on the reverse of the cards. They encourage pupils to be more proactive as independent learners and decision makers whilst guiding a more creative approach to sequence building.

- Time saving
- Stimulating presentation
- Teacher and child user friendly
- Extensions for gifted and talented children
- Progressive and developmental structure
- Promote active learning
- Step by step sequence building
- SEN and EAL user friendly
N.B. Curriculum gymnastics should always be delivered by a suitably qualified person.
These can cards be used in conjunction with an existing scheme of work or they can be used as a scheme on their own as they meet and exceed the current national curriculum requirements.
Gymnastics KS1 & KS2 Complete Schemes of Work
These gym cards are an ideal accompaniment to the Val Sabin Gymnastics KS1 & Gymnastics KS2 schemes of work.
Gymnastics Videos
View our YouTube Gymnastics lessons videos to get help with teaching gymnastics lessons in schools.