Val Sabin Action Kids After School Clubs:

Action Kids “After School Clubs” session plans of physical activities with fun are specially designed for regular use with Reception and Key Stage 1 groups of children in After School or Lunch time clubs.
The Physical development play and fun activities form a progressive and developmental programme. Containing 45 session plans. The session plans are divided into 3 sections:
- 15 with a focus on activities leading to gymnastics
- 15 with a focus on activities leading to dance
- 15 with a focus on activities leading to games
- With parachute games included in all sessions
…together with the 76 tracks of music on 2 CD’s and the Action Kids warm – up and calm – down songs.
Action Kids After School Clubs Sample Pages
Action Kids After School Clubs Sample Pages
Action Kids Training
Read about Action Kids Training
Introduction to Action Kids After school Clubs
It will be noted that each section has a focus of one type of activity, but also involves a wide variety of activities from other areas, (e.g. gymnastics sessions contain two or three activities which develop mobility, strength and suppleness and remaining ones encourage exploration of small equipment, music and parachute games.)
It can be seen therefore that whilst the core activities form a progressive and developmental scheme, the sessions are bright, varied and FUN for the participants.
Planned Activities
Suggestions for use, and adaptations, are included in the manual and individual activities can be accessed and used at any time.The planned activities enable children to experience a very wide range of physical development opportunities and promote the development of locomotor skills, manipulative skills, physical fitness, spatial awareness co-ordination and balance in fun ways.
They also integrate most of the senses and develop learning strategies and patterns for later successful academic achievement.
The sessions create opportunities for children to increase their listening abilities, concentration and comprehension as they experience the fun, success and achievement designed into the sessions, thus forming the foundation for a child’s later ability to abstract, generalise, analyse the surrounding world, communicate with others and develop emotionally in positive ways.
NB. Also for use in After School Clubs is Positive Play.
£75.00 (Hardback)
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