Val Sabin Action Kids “My Busy Week”:

The Action Kids A3 beautifully illustrated “My Busy Week” book shows how each day of the week presents a different way of travelling and helps children learn the order of the days. The DVD shows Theresa performing the different ways of travelling so children can copy them. As well as showing the busy week as a complete track to music, the days have also been presented individually, so children could start the day (e.g Tuesday) with the Tuesday song and movements.
Action Kids “My Busy Week” Sample Pages
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Introduction to Action Kids “My Busy Week”
By encouraging children to talk about these activities and destinations they are not only developing their knowledge of the world but also stimulating conversations, which develop language, literacy and numeracy skills.
A variety of traveling movements build their co-ordination and physical skills. Copying different types of movement from the DVD develops observation, active listening skills and independent learning.
Changing rhythms and keeping to different beats develops musical and rhythmic sense.
Learning the days of the week is an important part of the development of young children.
Finally, doing these actions with adults or other children helps develop personal, social and emotional skills together with self-confidence and self esteem.
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