Val Sabin Publications and Training

  • How do I find the prices of the manuals?
    Answer: Please contact us and we will send you the relevant pricing information.

  • What is the delivery time?
    Answer: Manuals are delivered within the UK the next working day (*subject to availability) if ordered before 12 noon. Please email to ask about overseas delivery:.

  • How do you go about purchasing the manuals?
    Answer: You can order via email, phone or via the live chat. You can also use the online order/contact form to place your order.
  • If you wish to purchase the manuals yourself (as an individual) you will need to send a cheque for the appropriate amount (including £9 for postage and packing within the UK) made payable to Val Sabin Publications to the address above. We can also take credit/debit cards. Please email us if you need further help with this.

  • Are the schemes of work up to date and compatible with the 2014 National Curriculum?
  • Answer: All the schemes of work and lesson plans contained in Val Sabin teaching manuals are compatible with all current government initiatives. They are up to date and exceed National Curriculum guidelines.

  • Is it possible to see an inspection copy of the manual before we make a purchase?
  • Answer: Unfortunately we do not send manuals out on approval. If you wish to view a copy, we can put you in touch with a school in your area where we can arrange a viewing (call 01604 580974). You’ll find samples pages for each manual/publication on the accompanying webpage.

  • What’s the difference between the individual manuals and the KS1 and KS2 Hardback manuals?
  • Answer: Nothing. There is no difference in content between the individual paperback manuals and the hardback KS1 and KS2 manuals. We created the individual manuals for teachers who just want a PE teaching resource that cover a specific year (i.e. Gymnastics Year 5). Contact us for more information.

  • What are your terms of sale/returns/damaged goods information?
    Answer: You can view our terms of sale, returns, copyright/data protection and other relevant information here.

  • What is the best way of using the Val Sabin schemes of work?
    Answer: The PE coordinator and staff choose the units and places them in the long-term plan. At the beginning of the unit the coordinator photocopies the medium-term framework and lesson plans for each teacher for the half-term and retains the master copy. Over the year, the lesson plans are handed-out at the appropriate time until teachers all have their own collection of lesson plans ready to use the next year. It is also helpful to photocopy any relevant pages from the teaching guide and the assessment sheets. Keep the ‘master’ copy safely stored (we often have phone calls asking for replacements for lesson plans that have ‘disappeared’ from the master copy!)
  • Achieve Physical Literacy Through Outstanding Physical Education


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