New Games cards
This set of 44 key stage 1 and 43 key stage 2 A5 visually stimulating and easy to use curriculum games cards are an essential time saving resource. They progress primary school children through the essential development of basic core games skills and concepts so that they can engage in both co-operative and competitive activities with confidence.
The true multi skills approach encourages skill development and necessary concepts for each of the ‘families’ of games: Net/court/wall, striking and fielding and invasion games. They will also enable smoother transition into the secondary school curriculum through experiencing small team work and tactical decision making.
Games 5-7 & 8-11 Years card samples
View Curriculum Games Cards 5-7 & 8-11 Years card samples

How can the cards be used?
They have been designed as photocopiable cards or to be displayed electronically in the hall and show simple break down of skills. This enables the teacher to model good practice with the class and is perfect for visual learners and pupils with EAL. These brightly coloured cards will allow for an up to date teaching approach in curriculum games and are ideal for distribution to pupils to promote active learning and games building. Different cards can be given to children to enable independent learning and appropriate challenge. They will help children to develop an understanding of how to improve and to recognise their own success.
User friendly
The cards will save valuable planning and preparation time. They will encourage pupils to be more proactive as independent learners and decision makers whilst using a more creative approach to skill development. They will stimulate communication and collaboration and help guide pupils on how to analyse, evaluate and understand how to improve their performance.

- Time saving
- Stimulating presentation
- Teacher and child user friendly
- Extensions for gifted and talented children
- Progressive and developmental structure
- Promotes active independence
- Step by step breakdown of skills
- SEN and EAL user friendly
NB Curriculum games should always be delivered by a suitably qualified person. These cards can be used in conjunction with an existing scheme of work or they can be used as a scheme on their own as they meet and exceed current national curriculum requirements.
Games KS1 & KS2 Complete Schemes of Work
These games cards are an ideal accompaniment to the Val Sabin Games KS1 & Games KS2 schemes of work.