Val Sabin Primary School Outdoor and Adventurous Activities:

- User-friendly scheme for the whole school.
- A comprehensive scheme of work for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 – Years 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 (5 – 11 Years).
- Teaching guide including planning, equipment and assessment sheets.
- 52 activities set in to complete session plans with warm-ups and calm-downs.
- Trails, Problem-Solving, Team Building and Orienteering.
- Progressive and developmental.
- Comprehensive section containing all of the photocopiable resources needed for the activities.
- Exceeds National Curriculum requirements.
OAA Sample Pages
OAA Training
Introduction to Primary School Outdoor and Adventurous Activities
Working either as an individual or as a very important member of a team, pupils develop self-confidence, creative thinking, decision-making and leadership skills, together with an understanding of how answers to challenges need to be planned for success and safety.
Following trails and using maps to orientate themselves, problem solving and working with others develops self-confidence, self-esteem, co-operation and trust as well as promoting communication and collaboration.
Use Of The Environment
These skills can all be developed through a creative use of the school environment and simple, familiar equipment, and can then be transferred to changing and unfamiliar settings.
The mental and physical stamina built up through these challenges can be utilised to positive effect in a range of other activities, both in school and in later life.
Many schools have limited outdoor space and feel that lack of specialised equipment prevent them from engaging in Outdoor and Adventurous Activities. We hope to help you combat these problems!
The activity ideas offered in this manual use inexpensive resources, are simple, enjoyable, effective, and progressive and give ideas for differentiation.
It is intended that these activities are used to develop school-based OAA which can then develop further into the use of-site grounds and facilities within the local community and beyond.
Some schools have found they are unable to deliver OAA activities in every year group in the school due to lack of timetable allocation. As a result they may wish to concentrate on delivery in specific year groups e.g.
Year 5 and 6. If this is the case then the detailed scheme in this manual can allow you to be flexible and still fulfill National Curriculum guidelines.
Teaching Material
The scheme of work for each year group contains a variety of activities giving a range of experiences.
However if your delivery time is limited to a specific year group there is the flexibility built into the scheme which means you could take one type of OAA activity e.g. orienteering and deliver all the orienteering sessions preceding and up to that year group because they are all in progressive and developmental order.
The range of activities presented in each year group in this scheme of work also enables you to be flexible in the order in which you deliver them.
For example if the weather is inclement and you cannot do a trail activity you could work inside on the team-building activity instead.
The range of activities in each unit of work within the scheme contains trails, problem solving activities, team building challenges and orienteering in familiar environments.
Lesson / Session plans
There is one unit of work for each year group (Years 1-6) and within each unit detailed lesson plans are provided with extra warm-up and calm-downs available.
Appendices Section
Appendices section contains warm-ups, calm-downs and all photocopiable resources needed to deliver the activities.
£75.00 (Hardback)
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