Val Sabin Primary School Athletics KS2:

- User-friendly scheme for the whole school.
- Comprehensive scheme of work for Key Stage 2 (8-11 Years).
- Photocopiable (in the purchaser’s school only).
- Teaching guide including: planning, organisation and safety.
- Assessment sheets and guides to standards.
- 48 lesson plans (12 each for Years 3, 4, 5 and 6).
- Progressive and developmental.
- Planned Athletic events-team competition and records.
- Comprehensive section in card form on teaching specific skills through challenges.
- Exceeds National Curriculum requirements.
Athletics Key Stage 2 Sample Pages
View Athletics KS2 Sample Pages
Athletics Training
Introduction to Athletics Key Stage 2 (8-11 Years)
The manual is a complete scheme of work including 48 lesson plans and 4 planned competitions. It is also progressive and developmental, exceeds National Curriculum 2014 expectations and can be used as a photocopyable master manual (in your own school).
These activities and challenges are suitable for all children either as they are written, or slightly adapted for different needs. They are intended to stimulate interest and boost self-esteem. They shift the emphasis from always making judgements about winning or losing, to setting and achieving goals for the improvement of personal or team performances.
This stimulates interest in Athletics, makes lessons more physically active, and retains the competitive element in a positive way. Children instantly recognise when improvements have been made, and indeed, they are clearly visible and can be recorded.
Teaching Material
Children are encouraged to explore and develop:
- Running over different distances and obstacles; team running; and passing an implement; understanding how technique, rhythm and stride pattern can affect performance.
- The five basic take-off and landing combinations; understanding how different jumps can be joined together and how some jumps are better for height and others for distance, how they can join some jumps together; how jumping can be improved, through the development of technique.
- A range of throwing actions-fling, pull, push; use a variety of softer, lighter, smaller or adapted equipment; recognise how accuracy and distance can be increased through the development of throwing technique.
This teaching manual follows the same comprehensive and detailed format of the Primary School Gymnastics, Games and Dance manuals. It follows the same structure of the teaching guide, detailed teaching material in units of work, and skill development and challenges in the Appendix. In common with all the other Val Sabin manuals, it follows National Curriculum 2014 requirements and programmes of study.
The Teaching Guide
Section 1
- Gives advice on best use of the manual and its wider resources.
- Addresses the safety issues involved in teaching Athletics.
- Identifies a range of organisational strategies for safe practice and maximum participation.
- Presents questions and answers to help children understand why they need to warm-up and cool-down and the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.
Section 2
- Provides simple self and peer assessment sheets.
- Identifies teacher assessment and recording sheets for years 1 & 2.
Teaching Material
The teaching material is very user-friendly and is presented in detailed units of work and lesson plans for teachers to use according to their level of experience and confidence and contains:
- The long term planning of the complete scheme over Key Stage 1.
- The medium term planning for each unit identifying learning objectives, unit framework and expected learning outcomes.
- The short term planning which comprises the detailed lesson plans.
- Athletic event planning at the end of each year group complete with recording sheets i.e. competition ‘A’ for teams and competition ‘B’ for individuals.
Every unit contains a balanced coverage of running, throwing and jumping activities.
How can you use the scheme?
Long Term Planning
The long-term planning is inherent in the scheme, with exploration, acquisition, development, practise, refinement and appropriate challenge and competition built into the programme structure. Reinforcement, repetition and moving on, are all woven into the progressive and developmental scheme.
The long term planning addresses a balanced coverage of running, throwing and jumping.
Medium Term Planning
The medium-term planning is clearly set out at the beginning of each unit in the form of the learning objectives, unit framework and expected learning outcomes. These follow and exceed National Curriculum requirements and learning outcomes. They summarise the knowledge skills and understanding being addressed throughout the unit.
Each year group contains two units of work (11 lesson plans) and 2 class competitions – (“A”, team competition and “B”, individual competition, plus recording sheets) available to you.
Short Term Planning (Lesson Plans)
The short-term planning comprises the lesson plans. Each lesson plan is contained on one side of A4 for ease of use, with diagrams in the margin to visually clarify some of the tasks. On the back of the sheet there is some of the material from the lesson in card form. This is very detailed and can serve sveral purposes:
- (i) As a quick reference to access the core teaching material of the lesson.
- (ii) As an effective teaching strategy for developing independent learning e.g.
- (a) As a problem-solving activity for the children.
- (b) As an evaluation and peer assessment tool.
Practices, challenges and competitions are all designed to motivate the children as they develop their knowledge skills and understanding of Athletics.
The Appendix
The Appendix is a comprehensive section of additional material including:
- Warming up activities.
- Skill development cards and challenges.
- These cards are used and absorbed into the progressive and developmental scheme and organised into athletic areas for easy access.
These cards increase the opportunities for extension work or alternatively can be used to encourage independent learning.
All the activities in the manual are tried, tested and proven to work, both for developing and maintaining interest, enthusiasm and self-esteem, and for improving athletic performance in a positive way.
£100.00 (Hardback)
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