Val Sabin Primary School Games Key Stage 2 (8-11 Years):

- User-friendly scheme for the whole school.
- A comprehensive scheme of work for Primary School Games Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 (8-11 Years).
- A true multi-skills approach.
- Teaching guide including planning and assessment sheets.
- 120 lesson plans.
- 16 units of work covering all the “families” of games.
- Progressive and developmental structure.
- Comprehensive section on teaching specific fundamental skills.
- Photocopiable resources (in the purchaser’s school only).
- Exceeds National Curriculum Guidance.
Games Key Stage 2 Sample Pages
Games Training
Introduction to Primary School Games Key Stage 2 (8-11 Years)
It includes complete schemes of work including 120 lesson plans. It exceeds National Curriculum 2014 expectations and can be used as a photocopyable master manual (in your own school).
With this manual the teaching of games will be enjoyable and give a great sense of achievement to both children and teacher. This is an original framework containing interesting, exciting and proven material within a complete scheme of games experiences that are balanced and progressive. Delivery of the programmes for (8-11 years Key Stage 2) satisfies all the requirements of the National Curriculum 2014.
The Teaching Material
This manual offers a true multi-skills approach to the teaching of games. The manual enables the non-specialist Physical Education teacher to operate with high professional expertise right from the start by using the detailed lesson plans. However, before using the lesson plans, everyone is advised to read the sections on “Good Practice in Games.” These sections have many useful tips on organisation of equipment, children and playing space, differentiation, lesson structure, and suitable teaching strategies.
Lesson Plans
There is a simple description of the “families” of games, a breakdown of essential personal skills, a section on inventing rules and creating games, and a table that illustrates clearly the progression and development which is planned into the scheme. The lesson plan material for 4-11 years develops from familiarisation to co-ordination and basic game activities through to progressive skill practices into game specific practices and development. The games include:
- Hockey
- Soccer
- Volleyball
- Tennis
- Cricket
- Rounders
- Netball
- Basketball
- Rugby
The table of contents shows the detailed programme of study for every unit of work in each year and can be copied or adapted as the Games Scheme of Work for a school’s PE Policy.
Games lessons are ideally taught out of doors yet all the practices, game-like situations and games in the manual can, with careful organisation, be taught effectively indoors should the weather be inclement.
Teaching Fundamental Specific Games Skills
The comprehensive programmes for 8-11 years (Key Stage 2) with the wide variety of practice and game challenges, provide the children, including those with additional needs, with rich experiences of co-operation, problem solving, creativity and teamwork. The programmes are designed to enable children to reach Key Stage 3 as coordinated, balanced individuals fully understanding the benefits of teamwork and sporting behaviour with many versatile skills that will be a good foundation for achieving excellence in their chosen games in Key Stages 3 & 4 and in later life.
How can you use the scheme?
Long Term Planning
In the Teaching Guide the unit titles are set out in a grid to enable easy identification of Long Term Planning. There is more than enough material available for each year group and this enables schools and teachers to exercise choice when planning.
The co-ordinator (in discussion with staff) identifies which of the four units of work will be used in each year group and places them in the relevant time slots.
Medium Term Planning
At the beginning of each unit of work, the medium term plan is detailed. It contains learning objectives, unit framework and expected learning outcomes together with references to the skill development section at the back of the manual.
Short Term Planning
The detailed lesson plans form the short-term planning. The detailed content allows teachers to use them in a way which is compatible with their levels of confidence and skill.
£85.00 (Hardback)
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