Introduction to Transition KS2-KS3

The transition from primary school to secondary school (Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3) can be an anxious but exciting time, and with regard to Physical Education is marked by significant changes. Year 6 pupils move from the security of familiar surroundings, stable friendship groups, an ever-constant class teacher, to different PE specialists, large purpose-built areas and classes comprised of pupils from several other schools.
Transition Sample Pages
View Transition KS2-KS3 Hardback Sample Pages
Individual Transition KS2-KS3 Paperbacks

The Transition KS2-KS3 Links Unit is also available to purchase as individual paperbacks. These individual paperbacks are:
- Transition KS2-KS3 Games
- Transition KS2-KS3 Gym (music CD included)
- Transition KS2-KS3 Dance (music CD included)
- Transition KS2-KS3 Athletics
Transition challenges
The huge challenge for the professional PE specialist is:
a) knowing where to pitch the first unit of work in an activity area,
b) how to provide opportunities for pupils, whilst being sensitive to their different needs, and
c) how to bring together a disparate group of pupils in an enjoyable way to maintain interest and promote continuity of progression and development.
Link unit structure
We supply transition link units for the core areas of gymnastics, dance, games and athletics to provide all the necessary material to progress and develop from KS2.
Each link unit is divided in the following way:
- a transition and familiarisation phase
- 6 or 7 additional progressive phases, each with its own learning objectives and expected learning outcomes
- detailed subject-specific material in each phase which can take 1 or 2 lessons to deliver
- expected minimum standards for end of KS2 and KS3, with assessment sheets
- further sections on concepts, principles and warming-up specific to the activity
- a range of teaching and learning strategies
How they can be used
- The PE specialist can use them as the first unit of work for each of the core activities in Year 7. This will guide pupils through and introduce them to, different teaching strategies used in Key Stage 3, and into more complex and challenging material.
- The accompanying assessment sheets can be used to record professional judgements about progress and attainment. This information can then be used to decide on the type of challenge to encourage staged progression.
- A further option, is that the first familiarisation phase of each unit is delivered by all the primary schools in a ‘family’ at the end of Key Stage 2. The continuing phases could then be delivered at the beginning of Year 7 in secondary, forming a cohesive bridge.
Whichever way is chosen to use the units, they will ensure a standardisation of experiences, ease pupils into new teaching strategies and approaches, and give teachers a more accurate understanding of the attainment of a diverse group of pupils.
All 4 link units can be purchased separately in paperback form as the need arises, or as a complete set in hardback form, printed on card with a copyright waiver for the purchasing school.