Val Sabin Publications and Training

Link Units for Gymnastics, Games and Dance Key Stage 2 – 3 Transition

by Val Sabin

The transition from primary school to secondary school can be an anxious but exciting time for children. In Year 6 teachers know their children very well because they are with them all day and take them for all subjects, including PE and games.

In Year 7 children are likely to have different teachers for different subjects, longer lessons, different teaching styles and new people, systems and procedures to get used to.

One subject where children can experience many of the differences between schools is physical education. Some of the differences can include:- designated changing rooms; the wearing of a PE uniform; specialist teachers for different areas of the subject; different teaching styles; taking a register before the lesson; different groupings; larger, different spaces and equipment; longer lessons; showers, and the availability of more extra-curricular activities.

The transition time can also cause problems for the secondary teacher receiving Yr 7 children from a number of different primary schools. Even if they have been following a similar scheme of work, the experiences, expectations and range of ability will still vary. How does the secondary teacher find the appropriate level of material and delivery?
The challenge is knowing where to pitch the first unit of work in an activity area and how to provide opportunities for pupils, whilst being sensitive to their different needs.

The link units for gymnastics, games and dance contained in this manual are age appropriate and developmentally suitable for children in the transition period. They provide suitably complex material in a safe, progressive framework. Those who have experienced the appropriate level of work in primary school will be able to recall and revisit a range of activities and skills set in an interesting context whilst those who have had less experience or who are less confident will learn the necessary skills, principles and activities in a non threatening environment. All children will be encouraged to consolidate knowledge and skills already learnt and be challenged to adapt and extend their performance and understanding.

Achieve Physical Literacy Through Outstanding Physical Education


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