High Quality PE training
Val Sabin Training is dedicated to raising the status, delivery and confidence of teaching or supporting Physical Education.
National and Inset Training Courses
These take place in various locations across the U.K or can be booked in your school. Please see date boxes below.
Team Teach CPD Training
This can be arranged at your school working alongside your teachers and children to demonstrate lessons. This works very well as a series of days so staff can see how a unit of work progresses.
Private courses for Coaching Companies
Our highly recommended ‘coaches in the curriculum courses‘ can be booked privately for your staff.
Contact us for more information.
Upcoming Val Sabin CPD training courses:
Book your place/Booking form
To book your place on a Val Sabin Training course please contact us:
on 01604 580974
or email: info@valsabinpublications.com
Val Sabin Training Booking Form (Word Document Download)
NB Inset options are available for all training courses. Also all courses have credits towards Level 5 Qualification.
Val Sabin CPD Training is available in these subjects:

- Activate Training
- Action Kids Training
- Athletics Training
- Gymnastics Training
- Games Training
- Dance Training
- Positive Play Training
- PE Planning and Policy Training
- Outdoor and Adventurous Training
- Outstanding Physical Education Training
Val Sabin CPD Training courses include the following:
1. Proven Programmes of Training
The programmes provide maximum teaching skill development and the most information possible in the time available, leading participants through the necessary principles, skills and applications for successful planning and teaching.
2. A Teaching Manual for Everyone
The teaching manuals contain policy information for schemes of work and provide specific, proven, “how to do it” activities or detailed lesson plans that can be used to suit the needs of the children and the style of the teacher.
3. Course Workbooks / Handouts
Course workbooks / handouts support and detail the course structure and content with topical contextual information and examples.
4. Certificate of Training
The Val Sabin Certificate of Training details the course content of a Val Sabin Five Star Training Programme.
5. Presentation and Delivery
Each Val Sabin Five Star Training course is taken by Val Sabin or by a fully trained and approved trainer.
As well as both national and regional training courses, we provide one day training courses for Partnerships at a venue of your choice or as one day inset training for your school.
To book your place on a Val Sabin CPD Training course please phone us on 01604 580974 or email:
Bespoke Val Sabin Training is Available
We offer a wide range of bespoke training that’s available for and your school. These include:
Partnerships of Schools Training
We can offer training for your partnership in these Key Stage 1 & 2 activity areas:
One day, half day and twilight courses
- Gymnastics
- Dance
- Games
- Athletics
- Outdoor and adventurous activities
- Outstanding PE
- Positive play
- Activate
- Action kids early years movement play
NB You can select any 2 half-day courses to make a one-day course to suit your needs.
Inset Training for Schools
We can offer training for your school as an inset day in these activity areas:
One day courses
- Gymnastics
- Dance
- Games
- Athletics
- Outdoor and adventurous activities
- Outstanding PE
- Positive play
- Activate
- Action kids early years movement play
Alternatively you can select 2 of these workshops to make up a one day course from:
Familiarisation Day of Training
For new or prospective users of the Val Sabin Primary PE Schemes – i.e. Gymnastics, Dance, Games, Athletics – we can provide a specific familiarisation day of training. On that day of training we can provide the core principles of the chosen activities, plus practical applications, and show how to use the schemes. These familiarisation days could include any combination from all five activities.
This training is only available to purchasers of the schemes of work.
Key Stage 3 Training (National, Regional and School Inset)
- Transition (Yr6 – Yr7)
- Gymnastics
- Games
- Dance
We provide bespoke 5 – star training in the above. This could be for 1 day, 1/2 day, twilight or timing to suit the school.
To book your place on a Val Sabin CPD Training course or if you would like to talk about the above training options please contact us on 01604 580974 or email: info@valsabinpublications.com
Background Information about Val Sabin CPD Training
For years Val Sabin has been at the forefront in providing the most highly rated training and teaching manuals for teachers of physical education in primary and secondary schools and for practitioners in pre-school settings.
The training courses reflect the manuals available however, they can be adjusted to meet specific needs. Alternatively, specially designed courses can also be arranged in your region or for your partnership of schools.
Course objectives focused on the National Curriculum or Early Learning Goals and the learning / teaching interface, more than meet the challenges set in today’s educational world.
The directory of courses is built on years of highly acclaimed training which make Val Sabin Five Star Training the best you can get. Our course programme can be delivered at a venue to suit you or at our Northampton training headquarters.
All our courses are interactive and participative. Our commitment to quality is in everything we do. We systematically evaluate every course and follow-up a representative sample for feedback 3 months after each course.
Our quality control gives us confidence in the service that we offer and if you are unhappy with a course in any way we refund an individual’s money in full.